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Chandigarh: IDC holds conclave on ‘value proposition of budding managers’

Centre for advanced studies in social science and management (CASSM), Institute for Development and Communication (IDC), held a conclave on “Rethinking value proposition of budding managers” in association with Chandigarh University, Gharuan, on Thursday.
Professor Meenakshi Malhotra, programme director at IDC-CASSM, underlined the importance of an integrated model comprising of four interdependent factors. “The HR today is in driving seat and they today make critical decisions which impact the organisation,” she added.
DP Singh, employability consultant at Amazon Web Services India Private Limited and former vice-president & HR head-IBM, in his keynote address, highlighted the need for upskilling and customisation of acumen of the budding managers.
Professor BS Ghuman, former V-C, Punjabi University, Patiala, chaired the inaugural session. He said the human resource management is all about maintaining and sustaining the delicate balance between employee and employer relations.
Navjot S Miglani, executive director (HR), Chandigarh University, underlined the crucial role of human resource department. He explained how the selection of right managers for right positions can meaningfully construct or destruct an organisation. Students, researchers and faculty members from the IDC-CASSM attended the event.
